2011 Hikes
July 17 Hike: Green Creek Trail
Rating: 3
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 7:00 am
Directions: Off of Hwy 50 near Poncha Springs
Hike Leader: Dave Ropiski, 285-8602
July 24 Hike: Lion Canyon
Rating: 3, 5 miles round trip, 1600 ft. elev gain
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 7:00 am
Directions: 14 miles south of Canon on Oak Creek Grade
Hike Leader: Jim Mathis, 276-0696
July 31 Hike: No hike scheduled due to Alpine Tunnel Hike and campout
Aug 7 Hike: Oblong Baldy Ridge Route
Rating: 4 or 5
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 7:00 am
Directions: 15 miles north of Canon City near Sand Gulch CG
Hike Leader: Dave Walker, 275-2054
This hike can be done from one of two possible parking spots. From the lower parking area the hike will entail a round-trip distance of 9.8 miles and 2,100 feet of elevation gain. However, if enough 4WD vehicles are available, the difficulty of the hike can be reduced to 7.2 miles and 1,500 feet elevation gain by driving to a higher parking spot. From the higher parking spot the hiking route follows an old road that has been closed to motor vehicles. The first 1.5 miles is very steep and the road surface consists of an abundance of loose rock that makes for difficult walking, especially on the return descent. The rewards of enduring the steep and rocky trail include spectacular views of Long Gulch Canyon and and the final ascent to the top of Oblong Baldy. The Oblong Baldy Ridge Route also provides a good introduction to the large of expanse of BLM backcountry that lies to the south and west of the Shelf Road Climbing Area.
Aug 14 Hike: Trinchera Peak
Rating: 5
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @6:00am
Directions: Spanish Peaks, near LaVeta
Hike Leader: Marvin Carter, 275-3423
Aug 21 Hike: Continental Divide Trail
Rating: 4
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 7:00 am
Directions: Hwy 50 to Old Monarch Pass
Hike Leader: Dave Ropiski, 285-8602
The Hike will start at Old Monarch Pass (elevation 11,312ft)
pass through Monarch Ski Area for about a 1 mile or two then
leave the ski area boundary and hike atop of the Continental
Divide with spectacular 360 degree views of the surrounding
mountain ranges, passing by prehistoric hunting grounds, on
skirting around Bald Mountain to a high point of 12,535ft.
This hike is almost entirely above treeline, so be prepared
for afternoon thunderstorms high winds and cool temps.
Aug 28 Hike: CDT - Marshall Pass - Starvation Creek
Meet at Villiage Inn 7:30AM
Sept 4 No Hike Scheduled
Sept 11 Hike: Rainbow Trail from Big Cottonwood Creek Trailhead
Rating: 3 (8 to 10 miles)
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 7:00 am
Directions: 5 miles south of Coaldale
Hike Leader: Willard Gordon, 275-6709
Sept 18 Hike: Cooper Mountain from Phantom Canyon
Rating: 4, 8.5 miles, elev gain 1600 ft.
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 7:00 am
Directions: From Hwy 50, 17 miles up Phantom Canyon Road
Hike Leader: Dave Walker, 275-2054
This hike begins from the Phantom Canyon Road and involves a car shuttle between two parking areas, which will avoid having to walk 1.5 miles on the County Road. From the upper parking area the route follows an abandoned "cat" road to the crest of the high ridge that divides Fourmile Creek and Eightmile Creek drainages. Upon reaching the ridge crest it intersects a little used horse trail that runs southward and joins the terminus of an old road that continues south towards Cooper Mountain. From the top of Cooper Mountain the return route descends back down to Phantom Canyon Road via an abandoned and unmaintained roadway, with sections that are partially obstructed by windfall. Be prepared to crawl over and under some of these trees. Both routes provide the shortest ways of reaching Cooper Mountain, which offers spectacular 360 degree vistas of the surrounding landscape.
Sept 25 Hike: Commanche Lake Trail
Rating: 4
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 6:00 am
Directions: Westcliff to Alvarado Campground
Hike Leader: Jim Mathis, 276-0696
Oct 2 TBA
Oct 9 Hike: Pueblo Mountain Park
Rating: 2
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 8:00 am
Directions: 2 miles west of Beulah
Hike Leader: Marvin Carter, 275-3423
Oct 16 Hike: Section 16 or Red Rocks Canyon Open Space
Rating: 3 or 2 respectively
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 8:00 am
Directions: Colorado Springs to Hwy 24 and 26th street
Hike Leader: Hon Chu, 719-242-1999
Section 16 is a 5.5 mile loop that begins at an elevation of 6650 ft. and reaches a peak of 7900 ft. in 2.3 miles.
Oct 23 Hike: Sand Gulch Campground to The Banks Campground loop.
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 8:00 am
Directions: Sand Gulch, south of Canon City on Red Canyon Rd.
Hike Leader: Dave Ropiski, 285-8602
Oct 30 Hike: Race Path Gulch
Rating: 3.5; 6 miles; 800 feet elevation gain
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 8:00 am
Directions: 33 miles west via Hwy 50
Hike Leader: Dave Walker, 275-2054
This hike involves a car shuttle between two parking areas. One parking area is located next to Hwy 50, about a mile west of Texas Creek. The second parking area is located about 4 miles west of here and along Fremont County Road 37 (West McCoy Gulch Road). The hike follows old quarry roads that are closed to motorized travel. The route initially climbs 500 feet in the first mile to a beautiful granite quarry that affords spectacular views of the Sangre de Cristo Range and surrounding landscape. After this side-trip, the route descends into Race Path Gulch. This unusual feature consists of a narrow, nearly level mile-long meadow that was used by Indians and early settlers for holding horse racing contests. The next half-mile of the route is trail-less and ascends 300 feet to the crest of the ridge that runs along the northwest side of Race Path Gulch. From the ridge the route descends along an abandoned quarry road to the cars at the first parking area. This hike offers an abundance of beautiful scenery through remote backcountry that is visited by few.
Nov 6 Hike: Dike Trail
Rating: 3
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 8:00 am
Directions: Westcliffe to Gardner to LaVeta to Cuchara
Hike Leader: Dale Bokowski, 276-0974
Nov 13 Hike: Red Canyon Park to South Cedar Gulch
Rating: 3, 4 miles with 800 feet elevation gain
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 9:00 am
Directions: 13 miles north at Red Canyon Park
Hike Leader: Dave Walker, 275-2054
About half of the hiking route runs through a narrow canyon without a developed trail, which requires scrambling over rocks and through brush. The other half follows old abandoned roadways. This little known route leads from Red Canyon Park and ties into a large network of closed roads that extend northward into adjoining areas of BLM lands, including South Cedar Gulch, Cedar Gulch, Long Gulch, Espinosa Gulch, and Trail Gulch.
Nov 20 Hike: Temple Canyon to the Temple
Rating: 2
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 9:00 am
Directions: Temple Canyon road to Temple Canyon Park
Hike Leader: Dale Bokowski, 276-0974
Nov 27 Hike: No hike scheduled due to Thanksgiving
Dec 4 Hike: Oil Well Flats Loop
Rating: 2
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 9:00 am
Directions:Oil Well Flats, south of Canon on Red Canyon Road
Hike Leader: Dave Ropiski, 285-8602
Dec 11 Hike: Red Ridge
Rating: 4, 8.5 miles and 900 feet elevation gain
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 9:00 am
Directions: 15 miles north at The Bank Campground
Hike Leader: Dave Walker, 275-2054
This hike follows developed roads and trails for most of the distance. Approximately 1 mile, however, is off trail and requires some scrambling to the top of Red Ridge, which consists of two prominent pinnacles that offer incredible views of the Fourmile Creek and surrounding landscape.
Dec 18 Hike: Ophir Creek Snowshoe Hike
Rating: 3
Meet at: Behind Village Inn @ 9:00 am
Directions: Ophir Creek Campground Area
Hike Leader: Marvin Carter, 275-3423
Dec 25 Hike: No hike scheduled due to holiday
January 2013 Hikes
January 9 Meeting Day
Ponds off Hwy 115, northwest of Florence. 1 – 11/2 miles Leader – Chuck Gallagher
Jan. 18 Ecology Park to Temple Canyon Park Trail Leader: George Williams
Directions: 3.5 miles from VI. Take 1st Street south to CR3 (Temple Canyon Road). Go right on CR3 to the Rockafellow Ecology Park lot on your right. Park at the South end of the lot. All paved roads.
4.5 miles round trip, on mostly good trails. The length and the long (1+ miles) climb to a valley overlook make this a more difficult hike.
Note: Several places along the trail may have signs of old mining activity.
Jan.25 Feldspar Mine Leader: George Williams
This is an easy 2-mile round trip hike over mostly good trails.
Directions: 6.2 miles from VI. Take 1st Street south to CR3 for approx. 3.5 miles. Parking is available at the “unmarked” trailhead. Expect 1.5 miles of poor road that could be accessible to high clearance vehicles.
SNOW ALTERNATE HIKE - Fremont Peak (1st radio tower)
February Hike
February 1 -Meet at Village Inn to carpool and hike Fountain Creek Regional Park (Colorado Springs) easy
February 8 - Meeting day - meet at Village Inn for road cleanup followed by our meeting at El Alazon
at 11:00 a.m.
February 15 - Meet at Village Inn to hike Pueblo Lake. Go east on Hwy 50 to Pueblo West, turn
right on McCulloch Blvd and then left on S Nichols Road (there is a sign showing Pueblo Lake State park). There is a dirt parking lot before the entrance. If you park there, there is no
need to have a park pass.
February 22 - Meet at Village Inn to hike Aiken Canyon, a 3 to 4 mike hike with a 920 foot
gain. From Penrose, drive north on hwy 115 for 18 miles to Turkey Canyon Road - turn left for 0.2 mile parking area.
March Hike