Cañonland Walkers and Hikers Walk Every Tuesday Morning - Join Us!


              Coordinator: Howard Rees



First Tuesday of Each Month:


The Canonland Walkers and Hikers meet at Tunnel Drive (West of town on Hwy 50) on the first Tuesday of the month to walk Tunnel Drive. The walk is approximately 4 miles, but some folks choose to walk a shorter distance. Please join us, newcomers are always welcome!


Second Tuesday of Each Month:


Second Tuesday is Meeting Day.  Walkers will meet at Sells Ave parking lot off  9th street for a walk along the Riverwalk as noted below.  After the hike, we have our monthly meeting at Two Sisters Restaurant in Penrose  - 506 9th Street.  The meeting starts at 11:00 and usually last for 20 minutes.  Please join us there!    


Four times a year, in lieu of the walk, we clean up the roadway which our club has 

'adopted'.  The second Tuesday of February, May, August and November we meet at the parking lot of the Cañon City Area Recreaton and Park Distsrict Office - 575 Ash Street in Cañon City.   We have a two mile stretch of Ash Street / Raynolds for which we are responsible.


All other Tuesdays:


The Canonland Walkers and Hikers have a walk on the Arkansas Riverwalk in Cañon City.  We meet at the Sells Trailhead -- go to the last [eastern-most] parking area on Sells Ave off South 9th St to walk approximately 4 miles on the Riverwalk.  Please join us, newcomers, guests, and visitors are welcome!





                 Walks and Hikes Meeting Time Schedule


October 1 – April 30    Meet by 9 A.M.


May 1 – September 30        Meet by 8 A.M



Remember – DO NOT park in the Surgery Center Parking Lot.  Go a bit further east and park in the Trailhead parking lot.